Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Swell for you, Hank

Daily for the past few weeks, a small box from Amazon has arrived at the door for my husband, Hank.

It’s as if he’s sprinkled out his needs for this upcoming surf trip on a day-by-day basis – each new item opened after work, escalating the big event.  One day it’s eye drops, the next, mosquito repellant. Yesterday it was a tan UV shirt. 

Additional Go-Pro batteries, sunscreen, bio-degradable shampoo and soap, lightweight linen drawstring pants…It’s all there spread out in the guest room reminding me of an eager kid on his first adventure.

I love it.

Last fall, when Hank told me about the bodysurfing group planning a trip to Nicaragua, I told him that he should absolutely do it.

You see, Hank's one of those guys who doesn’t get a whole lot for himself, save the occasional good bottle of Cabernet - one that he’ll hang a little tag on, and put away in the wine closet to be opened on a special occasion.

For years, it’s been all about the children and me.  He’s never hesitated to make it work when we’ve wanted something. He’s been the guy who held back for himself.  The guy who would put a coffee maker on his Christmas List.  Even a pair of new fins, he’d think twice.

Tuition bills no longer lay on the desk. The kids are all drawing a paycheck now.  It’s Hank’s turn.

The surf has been a healthy way for him to release from work and in the past he’s passed trips up. I have my worries, though. I always do when he’s in the waves. He's an expert bodysurfer but anything could happen out there and he’s not twenty-two. I brought it up to my mother.

“Mom, for a whole week I will worry about him out there in the surf.”

Her response was quick:  “At least, he’s hitting the waves instead of the bars with another broad.”

Enough said.

Naturally, Hank scoped the airfares, weighing all the options, etc., insisting that his trip should be this year’s Christmas present. “Make that my birthday, too,” he added.

“You’re buying your ticket so early it’s like a dollar ninety-eight and you’re staying at a surf camp,” I said. “Relax, it’s not The Four Seasons!”

Yesterday on Facebook, he posted a throwback bodysurfing picture: “Whetting my appetite for the Nica trip starting in five days.”

Another little box from Amazon arrived this morning. “The last one,” he told me.  “Neosporin.”

Saturday, he'll be off.  Surf’s up, baby!


  1. My husband is another of those going on this trip. He has been doing these trips with various versions of this group of friends for years, sometimes with me along, sometimes with our son, but always with great enthusiasm, the arrival of little boxes at the door (there are always little items that need to be tried or replenished), and always with the great result of wonderful stories, terrific photos, and stronger friendships. I have never worried about them on these trips (they are a smart and reasonable bunch). I just always look forward to an invigorated, happy, smiling husband's return. Enjoy yourself, Heather (and Hank, too)! Best, one of the other partners

  2. Love this story, and your Mom's advice! Tell him to have a blast for us!

  3. Sounds like he's a little kid again, you should do something for fun while he's away too. Gives all us other guys something to aspire too. I'm off to Vegas next week to surf the blackjack table.
